The Cry of Ethiopian peoples!
The future of my country is so dark, because of the lack of good political leadership, I asked many question for a lot of Ethiopians politicians but this one keep nagging me, why is it we lack a good political leaders, the one with a vision, the one who denied himself or herself and stand firmly to the Ethiopian cause, the leader who can see what is coming, the one who can make a good sound decision on all Ethiopian domestic and international affairs.
In one hand we have a bitter enemies around the world a country like Egypt does not want to see a stable and strong Ethiopia and the other hand we have anti Ethiopia elements and in fact nowadays it become extremely difficult to make a distinction amongst those political groups to see who have a good agenda or who are the imposter with a hidden agenda.
Ethiopia is the source of the Blue Nile but we are known as a land plagued by terrible droughts. Peoples are dying and our country is not improving and yet we have luxury to act irresponsibly while other dying for all kind of reasons and we widen the tragedy, why is it so much easy for the government to kill someone on our own back yard simply because we have a political differences? or Why is so much easy for us to go out messing up someone name because we have a political differences?
Why is it so difficult to work it out our differences? Why we are always vulnerable for the enemies, and we go out as far as to cooperate and work with known Ethiopian enemies? I wish if I have solutions but I know something wrong with this picture. Or Is something wrong with Ethiopia? What is going on?
I know for sure Meles is not going to live forever, he is lucky if he live the next ten years and according to UN human development indicator 2006, average life expectancy for Ethiopia is 47.8, actually I consider this man lucky because he lives more than the average Ethiopians.
And also maybe he eats one or two injera a day like anybody else, whatever comfort he gives for his flesh, he will die wither he likes it or not, he is not going to live forever, therefore he is not going to take to his grave the money he accumulate or this world wealth, but his name and legacy will be tinted with Ethiopian blood, it is good for any Ethiopian political leaders a good name and legacy, unfortunately Meles will have only bad legacy, last week the Ethiopian first interview his wife and she tried to portrait Meles as saint, she is trying to tell us, how poor she is, it is just laughable, when the satan trying to portrait himself as saint, that clearly showed me that they are fighting for the good name, nevertheless he did not accomplish nothing for the last 16 years.
A couple years ago, I visited Ethiopia after 18 years when I was a young boy, I remembered my mother used to send me to Keblle to buy sugar or something, I was maybe 11 years old at that time, I have to go there and keep a line till I got my turn, I remembered I paid maybe 1.50 Ethiopian birr to buy one kilo sugar, in that particular period of time the only problem was food rationing, you have to wait on this long weird line for long time but now no rationing but if you want to buy one kilo sugar maybe I am not sure how much it was someone told me it cost you maybe 6-7 Ethiopian birr, sometimes you cannot find sugar, this is just one example so Meles has achieved nothing. Ethiopian peoples life did not change at all.
But this man is so rigid not willing to give a chance to other peoples opinions, and worst of all they just keep killing and acting irresponsibly.
They say they win the large majority of the rural peoples, they think Ethiopian farmers are fools, they are shameless, all those Ethiopians who fighting against them in the western world came from these majority of Ethiopians, they are their children, the Ethiopian colleges and universities students are Ethiopian farmers children too, the fact is, Meles cannot cheat the Ethiopians farmers.
The problem with this man is that he got a slave mentality, peoples who knows him well they know his behavior, he loves to hear the western advisor rather than the Ethiopian shemagles, all what he is doing is fulfilling the desire of his boss, as far as I am concerned he is askaris. He is not even back down to arrest and kills his own comrades.
Now so far I talked and trashed out the Ethiopian leader now let’s see what is going on in the camp of Ethiopian oppositions leaders, look the Kinjit leaders are in prison and yet our peoples are here robbing the organizations and fighting each other and each one of them want to be the leader and jump to one another throat, not to mentioned they don’t seem worried about the leader in jail nor the peoples who suffered under this brutal regime.
It seems that they forgot the reason of their political struggle and preserve our rich culture and heritage all what we see right now is fighting each other and the struggle goes backward instead of going forward.
Now I ask you, Can you see Ethiopian future in this fog?